Pers Producten

Good bye to the steering wheel

Spelle, November 2019. Unveiling the steering joystick at this year’s Agritechnica, Krone presented the first joystick-based steering for its Big X forage harvesters. Mounted on the left armrest, the new steering stick is arranged in a perfectly ergonomic position which allows operators to sit relaxed as they are steering the machine. Compared with a traditional steering wheel, a joystick clearly reduces operator effort and fatigue. The left armrest folds up easily and out of the way for leaving and entering the cab.

The joystick requires only minimal movement of the left hand while the forearm lies relaxed on the armrest. Offering easy and precise operation of the machine, the innovation gives drivers maximum control of the machine, reduces steering effort and enhances comfort as the driver sits much more relaxed than on a wheel-steered machine. Easing the strain, especially on long working days, the joystick allows operators to pay more attention to the chopping quality itself.

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